Aidilfitri is cuming in just a day and I dun know what the hack I am doing in this office..huhu..This year, I am being abnormal by not taking any leave on hari raya..got to save some leave for my wedding gara2 nak cuti sebulan on end of Oct till Nov..nasib baik my parents are being sporting by cuming over to KL to celebrate Raya here with 2 of their lovely daughters, especially the youngest one..hehe..Baju raya pun this year tak buat langsung..semua buat for the wedding jer..since my 2nd sis won't be coming home for raya, makin jimat la duit raya yang nak kena bagi..hikhik..Pendek kata preparation for raya this year tak semeriah past years where normally I will take my blok leave to be with my family...Kuih raya pun this year tak sempat nak buat..buat carrot cake and choc cake jer..cookies semua beli..but then rasa tak syok plak beli, if sempat maybe nak buat choc chip as requested by Akbar, sian plak takut kempunan but i really doubt that..hehe..For all of you that know me directly or indirectly, S E L A M A T H A R I R A Y A ! Mintak ampun & maaf bebanyak for all my wrong doings..Drive safely home and may all of us be blessed and filled with lots of love always..amin.
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