Wow..after all the years that passed by, Im blogging again..hehe..Since its 1st of Ramadhan today, I think its a good day to continue with what I've left before...The last was on 2005 and now its towards the end of 2007..Thanks to Ayu. I've got the excitement of continuing blooging by her lovely blog in pink..obviously she is a pink many things happened through out the years...I had all the wonderful journey of my life..So many years, so many plans to be fulfilled..For updates, all the latest news bout me:
1. Im still attached to Maybank ISD, shifted to 5th floor from 25th floor previously...A relief when having the fire alarm activity..huhu
2. Currently in 2nd semester in UiTM doin Master in more free weekends for me.. =(
3. Still single but unfortunately not available anymore..sorry guys..
4. In a process of having my own hse in Shah Alam..insyaallah will be cleared by early nxt year..
Its Ramadhan and theres so many things that I wish to improve in my life. Hopefully its not just another 'angan2 taik ayam' by me as always..hhuhu..This year, I wish to:
1. Kalau boleh tak tinggal terawih..but cam impossible jer..huhu
2. Pay extra attention on what to wear and whats not especially to office..nak sopan2 sket..huhu
3. Kurengkan dating..hah..we've made a deal not to go out at nite for the whole mth..maybe buka puasa jer kot..huh
4. Masak kuih2 yg best2 on Sunday..
I will try my best to update the blog frequently...maybe should spend few mins after work updating it..huhuK...will be rite back with latest photos...B4 forget..Selamat menjalankan ibadah puasa. Semoga our ibadah mendapat keberkatanNya.insyaallah...
Famila, Ayu n Me @ Padang
At Padang airport
My cincin risik - 18 August 2007

Our hse @ Shah Alam