Do we have to announce to everyone that we've already engaged? Me and Akbar didn't want it to be kecoh2 among our collegue.. We made known only to the closest friends of us..It seemed that the news has been spreading around and most of the people who didn't get the news from us cam tak puas ati jer...asyik dok korek2 n dok perli2..kekonon we both cam poyo la taknak bagitau org yg dah tunang, 'nak wat cam artist' la, 'takut saham jatuh la', 'tak baik tak ngaku nnt bebetul tak tunang dah baru tau' and bla bla bla bing...huhu..actually cam rasa bersalah gak tak bagitau, but if bagitau, satu dunia plak tau, sampai ke boss..tuh yg buhsan tuh...huhu...Cam dah muak dah actually almost everyday ader jer yg asyik dok tanya2 pasal hal nih.. Cam takder benda lain that can chat about with me..huhu...helppp...u guys...any comments?